The Energy efficiency rating makes it very easy to make like-for-like comparisons The Energy efficiency labelling schemeA labelling scheme within the European Union was introduced in 1995 covering all appliances. Labels ranging fromA rating for the highest efficient and G for low efficiency; the system became more complicated and confusing overtime with ratings of A+,A++ and A+++ being added.Creating space for further developments in energy efficiencyOn the 1st March 2021 the A+, A++and A+++were phased out and the rating scale was reset back toA to G.Great improvements in energy saving technology raised the majority of washing machines to the top of the rating scale, where theywere crowded at A+++. To make it simpler to compare washing machines and create space for further developments in energy efficiency,the rating scale was reset.Energy scale - Washing machinesEnergy consumption = kWh per 100 cyclesA washing machine's energy efficiency rating is calculated using a 60°C cotton wash on one hundred wash cycles. (Based on five washes per week for a whole year)Also on the label you'll find symbols showing:Capacity in kilograms60°C Cotton wash cycle durationWater consumption in litresSpin performanceusing a seven class scale.(The closer to letter A the dryer the laundry)Noise level in decibelsand using a four class scale.(The closer to letter A the more quieter the machine)
Using your smart-phones camera, hover over the QR-Code that’s displayed on the Energy label to retrieve further product information from the European Registry for Energy labelling database.The database offers detailed information for all registered products such as Washing machines; the energy efficiency performance, the model dimensions, the type of compartments and their individual volume.
The Energy efficiency rating is a useful tool to determine the environmental performance when choosing a new washing machineAll appliance manufacturers have to do the same energy efficiency calculation in the same way; enabling the consumer to compare straight away which washing machine is the more efficient appliance, though these figures represent the energy efficiency of the washing machine thebuild quality and reliability can differ greatly between manufactures.
The Energy efficiency rating makes it very easy to makea like-for-like comparisonwhen choosing a new energy efficient washing machineThe Energy efficiency labelling schemeA labelling scheme within the European Union was introduced in 1995 covering all appliances. Labels ranging from A rating for the highest efficient and Gfor low efficiency; the system became more complicated and confusing over time with ratings of A+, A++and A+++ being added.Creating space for further developments in energy efficiencyOn the 1st March 2021 the A+, A++and A+++were phased out and the rating scale was reset back toA to G.Great improvements in energy saving technology raised the majority of washing machines to the top of the rating scale, where they were crowded at A+++.To make it simpler to compare washing machines and create space for further developments energy efficiency,the rating scale has been reset.Energy scaleEnergy consumption= kWh per 100 cyclesA washing machine's energy efficiency rating is calculated using a 60°C cotton wash on one hundred wash cycles. (Based on five washes per week for a whole year)Also on the label you'll find symbols showing:Capacity in kilograms60°C Cotton washcycle durationWater consumptionin litresSpin performanceUsing a seven class scale.(The closer to letter A the dryer the laundry)Noise level in decibelsUsing a four class scale.(The closer to letter A the more quieter the machine)Scan theQR-Code for further product information
Using your smart-phones camera, hover over the QR-Code that’s displayed on the Energy label to retrieve further product information from the European Registry for Energy labelling database.The database offers detailed informationfor all registered products such asWashing machines; the energy efficiency performance, the model dimensions, thetype of compartments and their individualvolume.
The Energy efficiency ratingis a useful tool to determinethe environmental performance when choosing a new washing machineAll appliance manufacturers have to dothe same energy efficiency calculationin the same way; enabling the consumerto compare straight away which washing machine is the more efficient appliance, though these figures represent the energy efficiency of the washing machinethebuild quality and reliability can differ greatly between manufactures.